
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Day 26 - Thankful for smiles

Today was a tough day in 4th grade. It seemed like for every step forward, I was taking one back. I'm not a fan of days like that. I was so very thankful today for smiles. So I decided to describe the smiles I encountered on this glorious day God has given me.

First up was the smile that came from my 6 year old as I offered him a piggy back ride down the stairs. I didn't realize I would need to store this smile for later, but I'm glad I did!

Next came the smile from a very sweet little girl I met with early this morning. She came in grinning and happy to see me. Thank you, Avery, for giving that smile to start the school day.

Another awesome smile came from the best teammate ever. Her smile came during one of those moments when we were very seriously talking to a child and trying to make the other one break into a grin and lighten the mood. Thank the teaching gods for Melissa.

The shy smile of a student who wanted to know if she could share a great book series she discovered. Yes please!!!! Now I have a new book to check out from the library!!!!

When the storms come, I want to choose to be thankful for something. Today, I am thankful for smiles!

Tara Reed


  1. Smiles are a great thing to be thankful for!

  2. Uuummmm, I'm pretty sure I smiled at you during our meeting after school.

  3. Counting smiles is a great way to keep your day in perspective. Thanks for reminding me to appreciate the smiles around me.

  4. Smiles are the greatest , but the tears and memories we shared at lunch today make me smile. Our friendship means the world to me. Thank you so much for all you and your sweet family means to me.
