
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Hitting the road one more time...

Tomorrow is another big day for the Reed family. We hit the road back to Arkansas and Lyon College. Since this is Tripp's second year, I have been pretty calm and laid back about the whole idea. As a matter of fact, if you didn't know me very well, you would think I am a master of goodbyes. The truth is I am sad on the inside. Luckily, I know what to expect this time around, but it still doesn't make it any easier to leave my first born seven hours away. I'll miss him. We all will. I'll shed my tears on the way home, we all will. This time, however, I will know that he will be fine. There was such a change in him between this time last year and now. He is a young man starting his own journey. He has friends I've never met and experiences I know nothing about...and it's ok. We have done our best to raise this young man and he is ready to again enjoy his freedom and experience college again. No tears necessary...

Sincerely, Tara Reed

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